Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo diet, nutrition, fitness, and health

We're back with Episode 426, Q&A #19, answering some of your questions!

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Show Notes:

1. Arterial Plaque Buildup

Christian says:

Hi Robb and Nicki!

I was wondering what your opinions were on stopping or reducing arterial plaque buildup.  Isn't that one of the big reasons were obsessed with things like cholesterol as a society?  I know at one point Dr. Rocky Patel had stated he had significant reversal in his carotid artery after a few years of carb cycling (carb nite).  I know this question is absolute minefield of personal variability. At age 40, and a lifetime of combining things like shitty high omega 6 oils and highly process carbs, my new goal is to enjoy retirement.  My blood pressure has crept back up since falling off the low carb/carb cycling wagon at my new job. I don't really think CVD is in too many branches of my family tree, but I always excelled at bad lifestyle choices.  I would love to hear what your current thoughts are on this.

I started following you in 2011 and absolutely love your work.  The more suggestions I take from you, the better my health gets!


2. Constructing A Workout Plan

TJ says:

New listener who absolutely loves your show so I figured I'd write in and try and get my question answered!

I'm 5'11, 180 lbs, 19% body fat (give or take), and I'm looking to improve my physique. I would describe my look as just a bit more muscular than skinny fat. I go to the gym 3 times a week for strength training, and do light cardio once or twice a week just to stay active. My goal physique would be to add a little bit of muscle and trim some fat. I don't necessarily need peeling abs, but I'd like to look more athletic than I do now if that makes sense.

What rep ranges do you recommend for someone who just wants to look a little more toned and athletic (in my head I picture what Matthew Mcconaughey looks like)? Or do you have any recommended exercises or routines that I should follow? I know that diet is key for any kind of body composition changes, but I feel like I have that down pat. I just want to get my workouts in line with what my goals are. Maybe I'm overthinking things?

Love your show and everything you guys do!


3. Lifting From Home

Tamara says:

Hello! I just love listening to you both. Robb, you have the most well-placed F-bombs. Anyway, I feel like I have my diet where it needs to be. I have been paleo since 2012 but keto for the past 6 months. I enjoy exercising but I do it from home. I have 5-50lb dumbells, a bench, and a pullup bar. Do you know of a good lifting-from-home program or book? I have exhausted my own expertise and would like to change it up. Thanks!


4. Fats and Protein

Cole says:

Hey Robb I really appreciate all that you have contributed to society. I recently finished your book Wired To Eat and I have a question in regards to fat and protein. How do I test my reactivity with different fat and protein sources? How many grams of fat or protein do I test with?

Thank you, I appreciate all that your do.


5. Can't Reach Recommended Calories Per Day

Josh says:

I'm 45, 165 lbs, 6'1". I workout 3 times a week (hand weights and HIIT). Lean frame and lean muscle which is typical for me (although I'd like to add more muscle). Minimal body fat thanks to a low-carb Paleo diet (down from 212 lbs). However, when I count up my daily calories, I'm always short of the recommended for my age/weight at around 1500 calories. I eat to satiation at three meals a day. I never feel hungry and could even skip meals with no problem. I snack on EPIC Bites, but that's it. My question is: should I try to force myself to eat more (even though I don't want to) to hit my calorie recommendation, or listen to my body and not worry about it?



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Direct download: PaleoSolution-426.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST