Fri, 27 September 2019
We're back with Episode 441, Q&A #34! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.
Show Notes:
1. Are Low Calories OK In Keto? [2:41] Lee Anne says: Hi Robb, A question maybe for a podcast. We have all heard the stories of people eating very low fat and low calorie diets to lose weight (think Biggest Loser). They later gain the weight back and can no longer eat as much as they used to and maintain as their metabolism is messed up. I am wondering if there is any science behind a low calorie (800-1000) per day hurting your metabolism? My thinking is if you are getting enough nutrients between food and supplements within the 800 calories - plus you body is "eating" your fat stores - would there not be any negative effects? Would love to hear you thoughts! I was not able to find anything relating to this on the web. I have always tried to stick to a small calorie deficit (eating around 1600-1800 per day). And while successful, lower calories would probably speed up weight loss. I have lost about 60lbs following your plan and still have another 100 to go. Thanks and love everything you do! Thanks for changing my life! Lee Anne Hesbacher Keto Masterclass student
2. Weighted Blankets? [11:28] Steven says: Hey Robb, I've been hearing a lot about weighted blankets lately in relation to calming anxiety and improving quality of sleep. Do you have any experience with these? Any idea if they would be a good sleep hygiene hack for someone who just wants to optimize sleep? Love the podcast! -Steven
Click here to check out the Chilipads I mention in this answer. GAME CHANGER for sleep.
3. Keto and Bowel Movements? [13:26] Amanda says: Hi! My question today is on keto and bowel movements. I've been keto for over five months (thanks to the Keto Masterclass) and paleo for almost 7 years. I love the philosophy of how do you look, feel and perform and have seen improvements in all those categories since first becoming paleo and then keto. My question is on bowel movements while on keto; what is normal and what is a red flag? As you have stressed, supplementation with electrolytes is key and I was taking magnesium a little too much; 1 LMNT during the day and Natural Calm before bed. Bowel movements were overly loose and that’s never fun. I've been taking Natural Calm for years and it was a part of my night time routine before starting keto. The over supplementation of magnesium was an unintended consequence. After watching the magnesium I've become more solid but feel bowel movements are less frequent overall. Digestion is slow moving and I feel pressure in my lower abdomen. Not pain, not bloating or anything like that; just some pressure. The pressure will be there till I eat and things are pushed through. Is this normal? Am I eating too large of meals? Are there electrolytes I could be missing? I typically have a large breakfast, a medium lunch and a small dinner. I sometimes fast dinner; it's just depends on my schedule. Between the satiating nature of keto and the breakfast/lunch, I rarely feel I need anything in the evenings. Thank-you for all you do. I hope all are settling into your new home and I look forward to future podcasts!
4. City vs Suburbs vs Small Town vs Country? [18:12] Jason says: Hi Nicki & Robb, Since you're in the middle of moving, I've got a question about where I should live. In my last gig, I needed to live in city for work. A suburban house, but with good access to transit and an easy bike ride to work. I've recently switched to working remotely, so I've got a lot more flexibility and wondering if I might benefit from a different way of life. What are your thoughts on living situations & surrounding built environments and their impacts on health and happiness? For reference, we're a mid-30s married couple with no kids (but trying) and a dog. Mostly homebodies, but we have friends, family, and a great crossfit box in the city. Lots of options for living in small towns, acreages, hobby farms, near the lake, all within an hour drive of the city. I've been a follower for many years and your work has helped me in so many different ways, so thank you! Jason
5. Your Move to Texas? [26:13] Kirk says: Robb & Nicky, Welcome to Texas. I moved here 35 years ago and haven’t regretted it. The New Braunfels area is fantastic being in between Austin and San Antonio. So many great attractions whether it’s outdoor recreation, live music, or educational opportunities for your children. No income tax is great as well, however property taxes might be higher than what you are accustomed to. I know it isn’t a health or nutrition question, but could you talk about your decision to move to Texas and what you hope to accomplish here? Best regards, Kirk
Robb’s poop update during Question 5 [35:24 - 38:34]
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Fri, 13 September 2019
It's Episode 440, Q&A #33 time! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.
Show Notes:
1. Chocolate-Coated Peanut Diet? [2:18] Troels says: I normally base my diet on paleo principles, but for the past month, I have been eating roughly 400 grams of sugar- and chocolate-coated peanuts a day. This should be unhealthy, but my digestion has improved after having been out of whack for months because of SSRIs, and I have consistent morning wood which, mainly due to SSRIs has been rare. Despite eating more than 2000 kcals just in candy each day - half of which is sugar - I still look lean (almost too lean), and, if anything, I'm adding muscle. I notice a small sugar high and subsequent low, but that's pretty much the negative effects. Also, by doing this, I'm ingesting good amounts of Mg and Zn (~400 mg and ~10 mg). I'm male and 32 years old. Two questions: - Am I doing too much latent damage for this to be a good thing, or could it be that this could work for some people, at least for some period? - How do I make sense of obesity epidemics, the grocery shoppings of fat people, and energy balance when I can consume much more than 2700 kcals a day and stay lean? (I don't think I work out much, and many days, I also eat an energy rich evening meal.)
2. DHEA and Pregnenolone Supplementation? [12:08] Jason says: Rob - 45 year old male. Job is sometimes stressful but for the most part I get 8 hours sleep and follow a lower carb paleo diet 6 days out of 7. Been doing this for close to a decade. I’ve been experimenting for a year or more with Pregnenolone and DHEA in varying amounts. When I take preg in doses of 200-400 mg before bed I feel great and everything works really well. Focus, mind and man things. Same if I take 100mg or so of DHEA. I’ll use these on weekends mainly and not so much during the week. I notice during the week without them I tend to be bitchy and emotional with low sex drive. If I take Preg or DHEA these issues go away. I’m afraid I’m taking too much or somehow dependent on these supplements now. What should I be looking out for or the downsides to these substances? I feel like I’m playing with fire.
3. How To Know If Keto is Right For Me? [16:28] Radu says: Hi Robb, I would like your opinion regarding how would somebody decide if the ketogenic diet is beneficial or not, or if you have recommendations for tailoring a ketogenic diet to people with increased cholesterol reaction to this diet. Are there relevant tests that can help in deciding in this regard? In my family health history there are lots of cancers, some heart disease, and some neuro-degenerative (Alzheimer) disease. I am 48 years old, caucasian, in very good health and decent physical shape. My diet is a loose paleo type (occasional milk and grains) and I have no allergies. I would like to have some periods of ketosis, as I feel some benefits from it, but I do not know how concerned I should be. ****** Thank you for taking the time to read the question. I totally understand if you do not have time to answer this question directly, but I find this subject is not cover with enough clarity. Maybe you can touch on this in your regular podcasts when discussing related topics. To understand the background of my question: I experimented with Ketogenic diet a couple of times, and I felt great. My main reason is general health and well being, with an accent on mental clarity. This aspect was improved by the Ketogenic diet. Unfortunately my cholesterol had some unexpected behaviour: My 1st Keto experiment: I was in ketosis from Feb 15 to April 15, 2015, below are the blood tests before the diet and 9 month later. Date Total_Ch LDL HDL Non_HDL_Ch Triglycerides 12/15/2014 194 125 58 137 254 12/22/2015 178 101 58 121 44 So far so good! Encouraged by these results, I repeated the diet 1 year later, but this time I tested myself while in ketosis. After 1 ½ month of ketosis, I did my 1st blood test (3/1/2016). I repeated the test (still in ketosis about a month later (4/7/2016). This time I also measured the ApoA1 and ApoB, and the numbers only confirmed the cheap test. I stop the diet, and 8 month later (12/29/2016), the values are back to normal-ish. Date Total_Ch LDL HDL Non_HDL Triglycerides ApoA1(g/L) ApoB(g/L) 3/1/2016 321 232 75 - 31 - - 4/7/2016 298 230 55 243 30 1.69 1.18 12/29/2016 212 124 66 145 47 - - I measured my ketons level with Keto-sticks. The level was on average at 2, with variations from 0.5 to 4, depending on the diet macro-ratio and mostly on physical activity level. Blood work:
4. Genetics & Body Composition? [28:57] Sara says: I know genetics have a large part in how our bodies form and react to foods, the environment, etc. But how much do we have control of when it comes to body composition? I am in my mid-thirties and have always been athletic and a focus on healthy eating, now Paleo focused. However my weight - while I am still in a healthy range - doesn't budge easily despite my efforts. And it's been like this ever since my teens. I don't want to compare myself to others - but it is frustrating when I eat so clean, am active with weights and cardio and the person next to me has a slimmer waistline and eats fast food and rarely exercises. I know can become slimmer with extreme effort - but those extreme efforts are not good to my body and I dont want to add additional stress. Should I just "give up" and not fight my body and just focus on my healthy living or do you think I can loose some extra fat without extreme measures? About Me
5. Ketosis and Carbohydrate Timing? [35:50] Ryan says: Hi Robb. I don't know if this will reach you, but while listening to your podcast and reading your first book, a hundred questions pop into my head. This is one of them. I thought about asking my doctor, but I knew a blank stare and a sweaty forehead would be his answer. So here goes: Does frequency of carb intake play a role in disrupting ketosis? For example, if I am going to eat 150 grams in total of carbohydrates today, will eating all 150 grams of carbs at the same meal knock me out of ketosis for an EQUAL amount of time as eating 15 grams every hour for 10 hours?* My theory is eating 15 grams of carbs an hour for 10 hours will be just enough to keep a person out of ketosis for a longer period of time than eating all 150 grams in one meal while carb-fasting for the rest of the day. I could be wrong, but that's why I'm asking the master. Thank you in advance for any time you can dedicate to this question. Have a great day.
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Fri, 6 September 2019
We're back with more answers to your questions. It's Episode 439, Q&A #32! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.
Show Notes:1. Collagen Timing/Sauna? [9:44] Jesse says: Hello you two. I've read or heard that when collagen is consumed prior to training the absorption rate is increased considerably. It was also stated that this timing also changes where/how the collagen is used; specifically it goes towards cartilage, tendons, ligaments as opposed to hair, skin, nails. If I'm not off base and you have heard of this phenomenon, then I am curious what happens when collagen is consumed before sauna? Since you're body is being stressed in similar ways to exercise does the process work the same? Thank you both for taking the time to put out quality information, most of which is easy to discern and put into practice for the layman i.e. me.
2. Fecal Transplant? [12:35] John says: Hey Robb, I have a question for you about fecal transplants. I have Asperger's Syndrome, along with a persistent itching all over my body, and particularly on my anus, that I believe is from stuff I'm eating expressing through my skin. Cutting gluten and dairy has helped some, but not eliminated. I haven't been tested for gut bacteria yet, but going to do that next month. If, as I suspect, I turn out to be missing a lot of the usual gut flora, do you think a fecal transplant is a good option? And if so, what's the best way to go about getting one?
3. Partial Knee Replacement Work Out? [17:19] Liz says: Hey Guys! I'm sure you guys have probably answered this by now, I'm almost caught up on the podcasts, but I haven't heard this question asked so I figured I'd give it a go. My boyfriend had part of his knee replaced due to an injury he sustained on his last deployment. He used to be extremely active (crossfit, triathlons, running) But, now, not so much. Basically the doctor told him he needed to avoid any high impact exercises, no running. No squats, clean and jerks, etc. Basically if he was going to be lifting any weight to make sure it doesn't impact his leg. When I go search online for things he could do... it's mostly old people stuff (he is in his mid 20s). So, my question- was his doctor wrong? Greg, do you have athletes with similar issues? Would you allow someone to come into your gym start a training program? Whenever we start to do some sort of a training program he get disheartened by what he can't do, and I just want to give him some hope that he can do some of the things he used to love... what would you suggest? Any resources you can suggest that can get us going? Thanks for all you guys do... which I know you guys don't do much. I love the rants and the side comments. The podcasts get me through my days at work sitting behind a computer screen and encourage me to get my ass up and do stuff. The video we mention:
4. Native Americans and Epigenetics? [23:38] Dan from Nashville says: Hey, I have heard on your podcast, as well as other Ancestral podcasts, the subject of racial epigenetics being brought up, but I never hear it mentioned in a broad aspect, and I was wondering if there was any evidence or even philosophy behind it that you have noticed. I am mostly Native American, with some white mutt thrown in too. I notice that on most reservations, Natives are almost always obese, and I have begun to wonder if being carb sensitive is genetic. You don't have to tell me that alcohol and substance abuse is rampant on reservations, but I sometimes wonder how much is environmental, and how much is based on the fact that most sugars and grains were brought over with white culture. I know that Inuits are always an example of ketogenic diets and health, but I am Creek from the Georgia area of the US, and would assume that eating VLC may not have been part of a people group living in a more fertile area. So I would love your opinion on this, as well as if you touched on other races based on region as well, even if its a mostly philosophical perspective. I also know the stereotype of Kenyans being great distance runners, or Jamaicans being better sprinters, but are there other athletic genetic tendencies for other people groups? Lastly, is the reason we never heard of this because we are too racially sensitive, and everyone fears that they will be equated to Hitler talking Eugenics? Or is there just not enough evidence?
5. Bent Arm vs Straight Arm Strength? [31:16] Harvey says: You've mentioned that an exercise program without straight arm strength results in inferior development of the connective tissue, in comparison to the muscular system. If someone only did straight arm exercises, would their muscular system's development be inferior to their connective tissue's?
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